
  1. Ishizawa K, Wang Q, Li J, Yamazaki O, Tamura Y, Fujigaki Y, Uchida S, Lifton RP, Shibata S.

Calcineurin dephosphorylates Kelch-like 3, reversing phosphorylation by angiotensin II and regulating renal electrolyte handling. , Proceedings of  National Academy of  Sciences U.S.A. , 116(8):3155- 3160, 2019

2. Honma F, Fujigaki Y, Nemoto Y, Kikuchi H, Nagura M, Arai S, Ishizawa K, Yamazaki O, Tamura Y, Kondo F, Ohashi R, Uchida S, Shibata S.

A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis Presenting with Renal Thrombotic Microangiopathy Probably due to a Combination of Chronic Tacrolimus Arteriolopathy and Severe Hypertension. , Case Report Nephrology, 2019, 3923190, 2019

3. Nemoto Y, Kumagai T, Ishizawa K, Miura Y, Shiraishi T, Morimoto, C, Sakai K, Omizo H, Yamazaki O, Tamura Y, Fujigaki Y, Kawachi H, Kuro-O M, Uchida S, Shibata S.

Phosphate binding by sucroferric oxyhydroxide ameliorates renal injury in the remnant kidney model., Scientific Reports, 11, 1732, 2019

4.  Yamazaki O, Ishizawa K, Hirohama D, Fujita T, Shibata S.

Electrolyte transport in the renal collecting duct and its regulation by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system., Clinical Science, 133, 75-82, 2019

5. Ota S, Fujigaki Y, Tamura Y, Kojima K, Ochiai R, Haruyama T, Ishihara M, Natsume M, Fukasawa Y, Sakamoto T, Tanzawa S, Usui R, Honda T, Ichikawa Y, Watanabe K, Seki N.

Significance of Earlier Initiation of Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer Complicated with Primary or Secondary Nephrotic Syndrome following Its Appropriate Differential Diagnosis. , Case Report Oncology, 12(1):53-58, 2019

6. Sakao Y, Ohashi N, Sugimoto M, Ichikawa H, Sahara S, Tsuji T, Kato A, Fujigaki Y, Sugimoto K, Furuta T, Yasuda H.

Gender Differences in Plasma Ghrelin Levels in Hemodialysis Patients. , Therapeutic Apheresis Dialysis, 23(1):65-72, 2019

7. Shibata S, Ishizawa K, Wang Q, Xu N, Fujita T, Uchida S, Lifton RP.

ULK1 phosphorylates and regulates mineralocorticoid receptor. , Cell Reports, 17, 560-576, 2018 10. Goto D, Ohashi N, Takeda A, Fujigaki Y, Shimizu A, Yasuda H, Ohishi K.

Case of human immunodeficiency virus infection presenting as a tip variant of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: A case report and review of the literature. , World Journal of Nephrology, 7(4): 90-95, 2018

8. Tsuji T, Ohishi K, Takeda A, Goto D, Sato T, Ohashi N, Fujigaki Y, Kato A, Yasuda H.

The impact of serum uric acid reduction on renal function and blood pressure in chronic kidney disease patients with hyperuricemia. , Clinical and Experimental Nephrology, 22(6):1300-1308, 2018

9. Yamanaka M, Fujigaki Y, Kono H, Nagura M, Arai S, Tamura Y, Ota T, Shibata S, Kondo F, Yamaguchi Y, Uchida S.

A patient presenting with isolated hematuria and renal dysfunction as rare manifestation of cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis in the course of autoimmune diseases including Sjögren’s syndrome. , CEN Case Reports, 7(2):211-216, 2018

10. Ono M, Ohashi N, Namikawa A, Katahashi N, Ishigaki S, Tsuji N, Isobe S, Iwakura T, Sakao Y, Tsuji T, Kato A, Fujigaki Y, Shimizu A, Yasuda H.

A Rare Case of Lupus Nephritis Presenting as Thrombotic Microangiopathy with Diffuse Pseudotubulization Possibly Caused by Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. , Internal Medicine, 57(11):1617-1623, 2018

11. Tsurumi H, Fujigaki Y, Yamamoto T, Iino R, Taniguchi K, Nagura M, Arai S, Tamura Y, Ota T, Shibata S, Kondo F, Kurose N, Masaki Y, Uchida S.

Remission of Refractory Ascites and Discontinuation of Hemodialysis after Additional Rituximab to Long-term Glucocorticoid Therapy in a Patient with TAFRO Syndrome. , Internal Medicine, 57(10): 1433-1438, 2018

12. Yoshida T, Yamazaki O, Hayashi M.

Chronic nephritis associated with X-linked thrombocytopenia., CEN Case Reports 7:187–188, 2018 16. Vachel L, Shcheynikov N, Yamazaki O, Fremder M, Ohana E, Son A, Shin DM, Yamazaki-Nakazawa A,

Yang CR, Knepper MA, Muallem S.

Modulation of Cl- signaling and ion transport by recruitment of kinases and phosphatases mediated by the regulatory protein IRBIT., Science Signaling 11, eaat5018, 2018

13. 柴田 茂

鉱質コルチコイド受容体を標的とした、慢性腎臓病に対する新規治療法の探索,    医科学応用研究財団研究報告, 36203-207, 2019 年

14. 柴田 茂

【腎臓学   この一年の進歩】集合管の生理学と水電解質調節の新知見, 日本腎臓学会誌, 61(1):7-10, 2019年

15. 柴田 茂

水平的視点と垂直的視点, 腎と透析, 85(4):477-478, 2018 年

16. 藤垣嘉秀

CKD( 慢性腎臓病 )CKD における利尿薬の使い方 Medical Practice, 文光堂 , 35(10):1611-1615, 2019年

17. 藤垣嘉秀

急性腎障害における細胞周期停止と腎保護(綜説), 帝京医学雑誌, 32(1):1-7, 2018 年

18. 藤垣嘉秀

もっとうまくいく!病診連携の「伝え方」F. 腎臓内科へコンサルト 5. 急性腎障害, 臨床雑誌内科, 122, 593-595, 2018 年

19. 藤垣嘉秀

CKD( 慢性腎臓病)CKD における利尿薬の使い方, Medical Practice, 35(10):1615-1616, 2018 年

20. 藤垣嘉秀

尿たんぱく検査で腎機能をチェック,   すこやかファミリー, 12-13, 2018 年
