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    Effect of penicillin G on the biliary excretion of cholephilic compounds in rats.J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 18, 684-688, 2011
  4. Tanaka A, Invernizzi P, Ohira H, Kikuchi K, Nezu S, Kosoy R, Seldin MF, Gershwin ME, Takikawa H
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    Primary biliary cirrhosis-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome: a rationale for corticosteroids use based on a nation-wide retrospective study in Japan.Hepatol Res 41, 877-886, 2011
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    Cancer preventive effect of pegylated interferon α-2b plus ribavirin in a real-life clinical setting in Japan: PERFECT interim analysis.Hepatol Res 41, 955-964, 2011
  7. Takahashi Y, Inui A, Fujisawa T, Takikawa H, Fukusato T
    Histopathological characteristics of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children: Comparison with adult cases.Hepatol Res 41, 1066-1074, 2011
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  9. Origasa H, Goto S, Shimada K, Uchiyama S, Okada Y, Sugano K,  Hiraishi H, Uemura N, Ikeda Y on behalf of the MAGIC Investigators
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  10. Anjiki H, Kamisawa T, Tabata T, Takuma K, Egawa N, Yamamoto T, Kuyama Y, Urita Y, Tando Y, Nakamura T
    Gastric emptying in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis.Pancreas, 40(8):1302-1306, 2011
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    薬物性肝障害−早期発見と早期対応のポイントを含めて.日本医事新報, 4537:74-78, 2011
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    内視鏡にて止血し得た小腸出血の1例.Progress of Digestive Endoscopy, 78(2):116-117, 2011
  23. 佐仲雅樹、瓜田純久、山本貴嗣、久山 泰
    右側臥位が水の胃排出に及ぼす影響―肝機能呼気試験における胃排出能の影響を除けるか?―.安定同位と生体ガス 医学応用, 3(1):10-12, 2011
  24. Yamamoto T, Abe K, Anjiki H, Ishii T, Kuyama Y, Kohtake H, Furui S
    Isolated dissection of the supramesenteric artery and conservative treatment.J Med Cases, 3(2):153-154, 2012
  25. Yamamoto T, Abe K, Anjiki H, Ishii T, Kuyama Y
    Choledochoduodenal fistula associated with recurrent peptic ulcer.J Med Cases, 3(4):243-246, 2012
  26. Yamamoto T, Abe K, Anjiki H, Ishii T, Kuyama Y
    Expanding growth and pharyngeal mass formation in elderly patient with esophageal cancer –unusual manifestation-.J Med cases, 3(3):211-213, 2012
