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    Biochemical responses to bezafibrate improve long-term outcome in asymptomatic patients with primary biliary cirrhosis refractory to UDCA, J Gastroenterol, 50:675-682, 2015
  2. Nakamura M, Kondo H, Tanaka A, Komori A, Ito M, Yamamoto K, Ohira H, Zeniya M, Hashimoto E, Honda M, Kaneko S, Ueno Y, Kikuchi K, Shimoda S, Harada K, Arai K, Miyake Y, Abe M, Taniai M, Saibara T, Sakisaka S, Takikawa H, Onji M, Tsubouchi H, Nakanuma Y, Ishibashi H
    Autoantibody status and histological variables influence biochemical response to treatment and long-term outcomes in Japanese patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, Hepatol Res, 45:846- 855, 2015
  3. Adachi M, Tanaka A, Aiso M, Takamori Y, Takikawa H
    The benefit of cystatin C in evaluation of renal function and prediction of survival in patients with cirrhosis, Hepatol Res, 45:1299-1306, 2015
  4. Fujiwara K, Yokosuka O, Inoue K, Yasui S, Abe R, Oda S, Arata S, Takikawa Y, Ido A, Mochida S, Tsubouchi H, Takikawa H
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  6. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing Nomenclature for PBC : From ‘Cirrhosis’ to ‘Cholangitis’, Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol, 39(5):e57-e59, 2015
  7. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing nomenclature for PBC : From ‘cirrhosis’ to ‘cholangitis’, J Hepatol, 63(5):1285-1287, 2015
  8. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing Nomenclature for PBC : From ‘Cirrhosis’ to ‘Cholangitis’, Gastroenterology, 149(6): 1627-1629, 2015
  9. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing nomenclature for PBC : from ‘cirrhosis’ to ‘cholangitis’, Gut, 64(11):1671-1672, 2015
  10. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing nomenclature for PBC : From ‘cirrhosis’ to ‘cholangitis’, Hepatology, 62(5):1620-2, 2015
  11. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing nomenclature for PBC : From ‘cirrhosis’ to ‘cholangitis’, Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 13(11):1867-1869, 2015
  12. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing nomenclature for PBC : From ‘cirrhosis’ to ‘cholangitis’, Dig Liver Dis, 47(11):924- 926, 2015
  13. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, Invernizzi P, Jones DE, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR, Parés A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R
    Changing nomenclature for PBC : From ‘cirrhosis’ to ‘cholangitis’, Am J Gastroenterol, 110(11): 1536-1538, 2015
  14. Shimoda S, Tanaka A
    It is time to change PBC : new nomenclature from “cirrhosis” to “cholangitis”, and upcoming treatment based on unveiling pathology, Hepatol Res, 46(5):407-415, 2015
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    Severe oropharyngitis due to herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in an immunocompetent adult, Am J Gastroenterol, 110(8):1140-1140, 2015
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    医学と医療の最前線:薬物性肝障害の診断と治療 , 日内会誌 , 104:991-997, 2015
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    薬物性肝障害 , 成人病と生活習慣病 , 45:633-634, 2015
  20. 滝川 一(企画・編集)
    特集:生活習慣病と消化器疾患 , Modern Physicain, 35:10, 2015
  21. 滝川 一(司会)、平松直樹、金子周一、柴田 実
    座談会:肝疾患診療の新展開 , 日医雑誌 , 144:1385-1395, 2015
  22. 田中 篤 (Reader’s Indegestion)
    「慢性肝疾患における腎機能評価 〜クレアチニンでなくシスタチンを〜」, 肝臓 , 56(7):61:373, 2015
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    「日本肝臓学会 C 型肝炎治療ガイドライン」, Current Therapy , 33(9):21-25, 2015
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    「自己免疫性肝疾患の最近の進歩」, 日本医師会雑誌 , 144(7):1429-1433, 2015
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    「肝障害をきたす肝炎ウイルス以外の感染症」, 臨床検査 , 59:1388-1392, 2015
  28. 山本貴嗣
    どうする、“胃痛”!? −日常臨床における FD・GERD, 板橋区医師会通報 , 483(3):6-8, 2015
  29. 山本貴嗣
    抗血小板薬と消化管合併症 , CardioVascular Contemporary, 4(2):34-39, 2015
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    手指衛生は“泥んこ遊び”後の感覚で , Medical Practice, 32(12):2051-2051, 2015
  31. Asahina Y, Izumi N, Hiromitsu K, Kurosaki M, Koike K, Suzuki F, Takikawa H, Tanaka A, Tanaka E, Tanaka Y, Tsubouchi H, Hayashi N, Hiramatsu N, Yotsuyanagi H
    JSH Guidelines for the Management of Hepatitis C Virus Infection : A 2016 update for genotype 1 and 2, Hepatol Res, 46:129-165, 2016
  32. Tanaka A, Kikuchi K, Miura R, Miura K, Mikami M, Aiso M, Takamori Y, Takikawa H
    Validation of the Japanese version of the Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire(CLDQ)for the assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic viral hepatitis, Hepatol Res, 46:E45-E50, 2016
  33. Editors of the Drafting Committee for Hepatitis Management Guidelines
    JSH Guidelines for the Management of Hepatitis C Virus Infection : A 2016 update for genotype 1 and 2, Hepatol Res, 46(2):129-165, 2016
  34. Kimura S
    Effect of phase-shifting nutrients on gastric emptying and how it is impacted by rabeprazole in healthy adults, J Clin Physiol, 46:39-44, 2016
  35. 滝川 一
    懇話会:薬物性肝障害の診断と最近の動向 , 日本医事新報 , 4788:46-55, 2016
  36. 滝川 一
    特集:オーダーメイド治療時代の新薬の位置づけと使い方。各種疾患の新しい治療薬。ウイルス肝炎 , 臨牀と研究 , 93:287-293, 2016
  37. 下田慎治、田中 篤
    PBC -“cirrhosis”から“cholangitis”へ , 日本消化器病学会雑誌 , 113(1):36-37, 2016
  38. 田中 篤
    「ウイルス排除後の発癌」, 医薬ジャーナル , 52(1):109-114, 2016
  39. 田中 篤
    「B 型・C 型肝炎の治療戦略 〜最新の肝臓学会ガイドライン〜」, 板橋区医師会通報 , 485:60, 2016
  40. 田中 篤
    「B 型肝炎治療ガイドライン」化学療法の領域 2016 年増刊号「感染症ガイドラインのすべて」, 医薬ジャーナル社 , 32(S-1):41-49, 2016
  41. 山本貴嗣
    身体診察の“ついで”の超音波検査 , Medical Practice, 33(1):135-135, 2016
  42. 木村 聡
    Effect of phase-shifting nutrients on gastric emptying and how it is impacted by rabeprazole in healthy adults, 日本臨床整理学会 , 46(1):39-44, 2016
