血液腫瘍研究室 2012年度業績−論文

  1. Ryosuke Shirasaki, Haruko Tashiro, Yoko Oka, Takuji Matsuo, Tadashi Yamamoto, Toshihiko Sugao, Nobu Akiyama, Kazuo Kawasugi, Naoki Shirafuji
    Chronic myelogenous leukemia cells contribute to the stromal myofibroblasts in leukemic NOD/SCID mouse in vivo, International Journal of Oncology Epub, Jul 15.

  2. Hiroko Sugimoto-Sekiguchi, Haruko Tashiro, Ryosuke Shirasaki, Tomio Arai,Tadashi Yamamoto, Yoko Oka, Nobu Akiyama, Kazuo Kawasugi, Naoki Shirafuji
    Colonic EBV-Associated Lymphoproliferative Disorder in a Patient Treated with Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin for Aplastic Anemia. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine Epub,

  3. Mayumi Yoshimi, Susumu Goyama, Masahito Kawazu, Masahiro Nakagawa, Motoshi Ichikawa, Yoichi Imai, Keiki Kumano, Takashi Arai, James c. Mulloy, Andrew S. Kraft, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Naoki Shirafuji
    Multiple phosphorylation sites are important for RUNX1 activity in early hematopoiesis and T-cell differentiation.

  4. Ebihara Y,Yamamoto S, Mochizuki S, Tsukada M, Taya Y, Kawakita T, Kato S, Ooi J, Takahashi S, Tojo A, Tsuji K
    Pneumothorax in an early phase after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation., Hematol Rep, 5:34-35, 2012
  5. Yamamoto S, Ebihara Y, Mochizuki S, Kawakita T, Kato S, Ooi J, Takahashi S, Tojo A, Yusa N, Furukawa Y, Oyaizu N, Watanabe J, Sato K, Kimura F, Tsuji K
    Quantitative PCR detection of CEP110-FGFR1 fusion gene in a patient with 8p11 syndrome. Leuk Lymphoma. In press.

  6. Mae H, Ooi J, Takahashi S, Kato S, Kawakita T, Ebihara Y, Tsuji K, Nagamura F, Echizen H, Tojo A
    Acute kidney injury after myeloablative cord blood transplantation in adults: the efficacy of strict monitoring of vancomycin serum trough concentrations, Transpl Infect Dis, 15:181-186, 2013
  7. Matsumoto T, Hanaki H, Kimura T, Nemoto M, Higashihara M, Yokota H, Oda S, Akiyama N, Minato N
    Clinical efficacy and safety of arbekacin sulfate in patients with MRSA sepsis or pneumonia: a multi-institutional, J Infect Chemother, (22.Dec), 2012
  8. Akiyama N, Kanamaru A, Tamura K, Tanimoto M, Ohyashiki K, Nakagawa Y, Urabe A, Masaoka T
    Efficacy and safety of doripenem for sepsis with neutropenia in Japanese patients with hematologic diseases. Jpn J Antibiot, 65:261-262, 2012
  9. 今城健二、河野文夫、上村智彦、麥谷安津子、鵜池直邦、臼杵憲祐、秋山 暢
    発熱性好中球減少症に対するメロペンの有効性および安全性を検討した第III相臨床試験. Jpn J Antibiot, 65:271-287, 2012
  10. 秋山 暢、吉田 稔、石田陽治、神田善伸
    深在性真菌症治療におけるキャンディン系抗真菌薬の位置づけと今後の展望. Pharma Medica, 31:137-144, 2013
  11. Nakane T, Tamaki T, Tamura K, Akiyama N
    Cefozoplan, meropenem, or imipenem-cilastatin versus cefepime as an empirical therapy in high risk febrile neutropenic adult patients: A multicenter prospective randomized trial, ASH Annual Meeting, Abstract for the 2012, 2012
  12. Shirasaki R, Akiyama N, Tashiro H, Matsuo T, Yamamoto T, Oka Y, Kawasugi K, Shirafuji N
    3D index calculated from duration and severity of neutropenia and a degree of fever as prognostic factors predicting mortality of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in hematologic malignancies. ASCO Annual Meeting, Abstract for the 2012
